Three words to describe yourself: passionate, intuitive, motivated
Until she was five-years-old, Jessica lived in Chamblee, Georgia until the age and then she moved to Dunwoody, Georgia. A few years ago, her family moved to North Georgia and bought a farm. This fall, Jessica is going to Georgia Perimeter college to take her core classes. He mom has a radio show that is broadcasted from California every Sunday and is about consciousness and healthy living. Her dad is from South Africa, so Jessica has been there. Jessica would like to become a motivational speaker and also open a retreat center in the mountains in either California or Colorado "to have a place for the healers of the world to be healed." If she could do anything in the world and not fail, Jessica "would bring the world to a higher consciousness level. I would just sit and meditate." Eventually, Jessica would like to hike the entire Appalachian Trail and wants to live in the Appalachian mountains. She says, "I want to run away to the mountains. I want to live in a tent. A part of me wants to live in a commune." As a final remark, Jessica says, "I'm all about being. If I could give any advice, I'd say 'Be in the moment. If you can just simply be, life would be easier'."
AWWWW I love you :))))))))))