Name: Andrew
Three words to describe yourself: creative, authoritative, gifted
Andrew is from Marietta, GA and has lived there his whole life. Both of his parents are from Taiwan and left the country when they were in their twenties to pursue higher education. They attended Georgia State University in Atlanta. Andrew was transformed into the Christian faith when he was in the 9th grade. He liked a girl and started going to her church, and ended up dating her for about nine months. The Christian ideology resonated with him and Andrew would ultimately like to make "music that in the end will glorify [God], whether it's worship songs . . . ". Andrew is a member of Wesley, a UGA ministry, and Freshley, a freshmen version of Wesley. Jesus is the most important person in Andrew's life because to him Jesus is "God, he's my shepherd". We talked about religion and spirituality and I shared some of my spiritual beliefs. Andrew described himself as being an "old soul" and he would "much rather sit and have conversations" than do what college kids normally do. When I asked him what generation or era he most identified, Andrew replied that it wasn't necessarily a generation, but rather a time when people did not rely so much on technology. He said that "having everything so accessible to us has spoiled us".
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