Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Name: Rachel
Hometown: San Antonio, TX (YEAH!!)
Three words to describe yourself: bookish, shy, quick-witted
Rachel was born in San Antonio but has moved a grand total of 11 times in her whole life. She say that moving hurt her more than helped because she never had the time to develop close friendships--why she said she was "shy". Rachel wants to eventually work for the Smithsonian Institution because she loves museums and history and likes being able to teach/educate people. Because of her Italian heritage, she has a very close and intimate family and she's very close to her parents. Rachel's favorite book is Picture of Dorian Gray because it was the first book in which she felt "attached to the character" and because the main protagonist of the novel is also the heroic villian . An interesting fact about Rachel is that she likes to collect very old pictures and postcards from the 1920's-40's.

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