Three words to describe yourself: young, old, middle-aged
Mr. Moore has lived in Cobb County his whole life, and because he was born at home, he never received a birth certificate, so he predicts his age is between 92-96, but he seems to get younger and younger every year. During WWII, he served in the military, but he was stationed in Alabama "washing dishes mostly." He said, "They were the biggest pots you ever saw!" The hot cakes were his favorite dish that they served. Because Mr. Moore had Parkinson's disease, he was only able to serve for one year. Milky Ways are Mr. Moore's favorite candy, and he first remembers eating them when he "was in high school and they were a nickel." Instead of putting fruits and vegetables in the appropriate drawer in his fridge, he has a drawer full of chocolate. He even had his picture placed in the Rite Aid that says "Do not serve this man any candy." He attended Central Night School and recalls playing hooky all the time, but he did get a diploma and a class ring. He told the story of his high school initiation. They were given positions to hold real guns, and if they didn't hold them correctly "they would fail out." Mr. Moore failed out and the punishment was that he had to run through a belt line. His friend was the captain, but Mr. Moore had to run through the line even though he didn't want to. He also tells another story about his first car, a 30 Model Ford. One Sunday afternoon, Mr. Moore and his friend had planned to meet two girls. They told the girls that they were movie star scouts, and that they wanted to take their pictures in the car. the next day, the father of one of the girls knocked on Mr. Moore's door and said, "My daughter didn't show up." The police came by, but Mr. Moore had nothing to do with the disappearance of the two girls. Eventually they were found in Texas, but Mr. Moore said, "We were the last people to see them, so we would've ended up in jail." Mr. Moore met his wife through his cousin, and they were married for 64 years. He also has two sons and enjoys betting on NASCAR races.
I hope I'm this cool when I'm old