Three words to describe yourself: funny, friendly, likeable
Kevin was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina and moved to Roswell, GA about nine years ago because of the economic instability that was occurring at the time. His mom's brother-in-law is from Georgia so the family moved to the U.S. together. Kevin is Jewish and his family is originally from Germany. Argentina had an open immigration policy during World War II, so his grandparents moved to Argentina but went back to Germany the same time Kevin's family moved to the United States. His family was one of the few surviving families of their hometown in Germany and are treated very well by the government, but unfortunately his great-grandfather died in a concentration camp. Jewish immigrants founded the school Kevin attended in Argentina, so he learned Spanish as well as studying German. He says that moving to the States was not a huge culture shock, but "the biggest thing was dinner". In Argentina dinner is usually served at 8:00, after the sun goes down, so he found 5:00 an odd time to eat. Also, Kevin, never knew how to use milk cartons that are served in cafeterias, so on the first day of school in the U.S., he had to ask someone to show him how to open the cartons. He did not speak English growing up, so he was placed in ESOL, but only stayed in the class for one year and was able to take honors lit. classes. Kevin "[wants] to have a good job and a good family" and he gets practice by taking care of "fifty grown-ass children". He's an RA in Creswell, and his favorite part of his job is that he "loves interacting with people". He is studying biology and psychology and would like to become a psychiatrist.
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