Monday, November 7, 2011


Name: Tyler
Three words to describe yourself: amazing, fun, misunderstood
Tyler was born and raised in Blackshear, GA and describes his small town as being "like a family", but it "wasn't very diverse". As a middle child, he's "not the youngest but not the oldest", which can be difficult at times because "you're overlooked". Both of siblings are right handed, have brown eyes, and have names that start with 'B', but Tyler is left-handed and has blue eyes. He asks himself, "Am I adopted or something?" In his life, Tyler would like to help someone and thinks teaching history might be a career option. He "[wants] to help raise a new generation" and thinks that by teaching students, he can influence the way in which they view the world. European history interests him the most because it's "where [history] all started" with ancient Greece and Rome. Tyler has only traveled around the southeastern region so he wants to travel everywhere. He is currently taking Russian and loves it because "it's beautiful". He also loves to read books and has read the Harry Potter series seven times. Tyler's (appropriate) favorite thing about college is meeting new people and he said he has not met someone he does not like.

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