Thursday, November 24, 2011


Name: Patricia 
Three words to describe yourself: kind, truthful, considerate
Patricia is my step mom's mother, and she has been my grandmother for the past ten years. She was born during the Great Depression, has lived in San Antonio, TX her whole life, and has one younger brother. Her mom died from breast cancer when Patricia was seven-years-old, so she had to raise her brother herself. Her dad was also an electrician, so he always had a job, so the family wasn't "dirt poor". She was prom queen of her high school and studied elementary education in college for two years. Not finishing her college degree was her biggest regret in life, but she was a girl-scout leader for twenty years and has taught in the Catholic School. "Pregnant women were not allowed to go out", and Patricia was not content doing secretarial work. She did not even drive a car until she was married at age twenty. Her goal in life has been to "just have fun" and she has greatly enjoyed her life thus far. Currently, Patricia's goal in life is "to stay healthy" and help get my grandpa through his sickness. He worked at Southwestern Bell for forty-five years and has never missed a day of work--so he is a fighter! Patricia has been married for 58 years, and she has six children & a lot of grandchildren, so she "has the big family now that [she] didn't have growing up".

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