Thursday, November 10, 2011


Name: Connor
Three words to describe yourself: shy, confused, funny
Connor is from Snellville, GA and he does not like the city because the culture is "not his style" and he "[feels] out of place there". He is more comfortable in Canada because "people are super friendly". Connor would like to play music, but says he lacks the charisma that performers have, so he has never performed in front of people. His dad played the guitar when Connor was little, so he picked it up as well and has been playing ever since. He has written quite a few songs, but again has never performed live in front of an audience. I told him to play in a coffee shop, so there is hope! He is studying Mass Media Arts but does not know what to do after graduation: "we'll all be jobless anyways". As a sophomore, he was able to offer me some insightful advice about college. This is not a direct quote but he said something along the lines of: enjoy college while you can because it goes by really quickly.

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