Sunday, November 20, 2011


Name: Brandy
Three words to describe yourself: funny, critical, understanding
I met Brandy at Cuppy's, a local coffee shop in Kennesaw, and it turns out that she is a Junior at Kennesaw Mountain High and knows my younger sister who also goes there! Small world! Brandy was born in Jackson, GA and her parents divorced when she was five. When her dad met his new wife from Kennesaw, she moved with him there as well because of the better school system. She played softball during 9th and 10th grade, but decided to play in the rec league this year because she felt that high school softball was becoming "so competitive" and she "felt inferior" to the other players. As a Junior, she is still trying to figure out what to do in life. Brandy can picture herself in twenty years with a house and family, but "the process of getting to college is nerve-wracking". She would like to do something in the medical field such as pathology and is thinking about studying at either Kennesaw State University or Mercer University. She wanted to be a neurosurgeon but did not want to be in school "for twenty years". Her mom is a registered nurse, so she was exposed to the medical field at an early age and she understood the financial stability that normally goes along with those types of careers. Brandy has felt this way her whole life--except in 4th grade when she wanted to be an astronaut. She enjoys working at Cuppy's because "the people are great" and she can walk to work. At Kennesaw Mtn., Brandy is a part of the magnet math & science program and hated the program during 9th grade, but now that she is older, the program is "like one big happy family . . . you appreciate them more". Originally, she did not want to apply to the magnet program but her dad told her, "you can get unlimited texting if you join". So Brandy applied, but "[the texting] wasn't worth it". Good luck to you, Brandy, in all of your endeavors!

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