Three words to describe yourself: loud, talkative, friendly
Devan is from Indianapolis, Indiana, and lived there until age 13 and then she moved to Atlanta. At UGA, Devan is thinking of either studying Public Health or Health Promotions because she wants "to work in a clinical setting." In high school, she used to volunteer with Planned Parenthood and says, "It would be cool to work for the CDC." Devan is also says that she is good with astrology and she is a Cancer. "I take what I learn from books and put it with people . . . I don't think it's random," she says. During her junior year of high school, Devan went on a service learning trip to Costa Rica and went zip-lining. She says, "When I was zip-lining, at first I was crying . . . it was through the jungle! . . . I just looked around and it just set in: I may not be doing this for the rest of my life." Devan said that she was screaming the whole way down, but that overall, it was a great experience. In the future, she would like to go skydiving and "if college doesn't come through," Devan says, "I'm just going to rap." If she could do anything in the world, Devan would turn the prison system into the form of college. "I mean they're just sitting there . . . might as well learn something," she says. She would also put more money towards people to have "a better life," a children's charity, and sexual education because "if you educate people, it's going to produce better results." One day, Devan would like to get married and have a big family, and she says, "I like to be around big families. I like how they operate." She also wants to travel the world, specifically to Australia, South Africa, somewhere in Asia like Tokyo, and to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Through her high school, Devan also went to Egypt. She told me: "You have to ride a camel!"
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